Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Clouds Taste Metallic" Cover Update

Front and back of Flaming Lips' Album Cover Design!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Cloud Harvester

3D model for an Illustration Concepts II assignment, it's going to be used as part of a Flaming Lips' "Clouds Taste Metallic" album design, it's not just going to be renders of the tank, but It's going to be a full composition.
I've probably spent around 12 hours on the design and building of this model... now on to the actual Illustrated composition!
BTW: It's a cloud harvesting machine, It's essentially a lasso tank... shooting lassos and harvesting the gooey interiors of clouds... YUP! It's for a Flaming Lips album... I can be as strange as I want!

Monday, March 1, 2010