Final Entry for the Damnation "Design a Steampunk Video Game System" with a little guide to what some of the more important pieces are! Special from me to you!
I'm still going to work on the piece, like I would love to texture the engine... there is a lot I would do differently looking back on it... but I think I've learned a lot about how to model more mechanical things and I've also learned what I'm lacking when it comes to modeling mechanical things so I can work on them later... I AM however going to stop working on it for the moment... I'm kinda relieved the contest is over so I think I'm going to start up a new character... I think I'm going to work on the Nun character I made earlier in the blog... although I'm going to work more into the concept to weed out any areas I might be confused on how to model later... I'm pretty excited... although I think I'm going to take a break for the next couple days and start that monday-ish although (I'm probably going to break down and start it tomorrow...) WOWZERS this is a lot of words for a Sketchblog entry... I guess I'm done...
Tell me what you think!
Looks good. I really want to know where that ladder goes... And why I'd need an emergency break! Is it like an "off" switch?
yup more or less like an off switch... more like a kill switch...
A kill switch for when the game tries to kill me or for when the boiler explodes? ;-)
That's amazing, John. I hope you win!
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